Terra Nostra elven jewelry, bracelets, headpieces and more

Above: flora: headpiece, indeed a lovely crown for a fairy queen :)
What a fantastic discovery! :)
Terra Nostra A http://www.atelierterranostra.net/ is a workshop and store based in France and they have a rather complete official site that you can navigate both in French or English. Items are made by hand and inspired in magic, paganism, fairy tales, ancient times and more recent fantasies.
Though site works better in french It is very easy to navigate and also have very clear information about their shipping and policies and even a calendar if you're happy enough to be able to meet the physical stall when travelling throughout different European festivals and fairs, just in case you're lucky to stumble upon their physical stand at the moment.

Not only the jewellery like earrings and necklaces but also the most amazing headpieces and tiaras, bracelets and even props and ornaments like books, feather quill pens and even hand-engraved wooden boxes to put all their treasures ;-)
But not only that, as a musician myself got a weak spot for their hand-painted frame drums. They have an ancient-tribal lovely look

Above: feather quill pen
Indeed a magical collection to surf for inspiration, the entire collection distils spirituality and It is really full of wondrous treasures and objects. Pieces often includes selected gems, engraved symbols and many times have a remarkable "seasonal" air from frosty white winter moonstones and silvery pieces to autumn-like hand-cut in leather fallen leaves.
Very enchanting and lots of treasures, do not miss the chance to check them out!

Above: Leather bracelet with silver-plated filigrees
You can network with Terra Nostra Ateliar by liking their page in facebook, where they make some giveaways from time to time
Also in twitter to be updated with their latest news

Above: hand-painted frame drum
Submitted on 2013/Sep/12
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