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Dark Angel Clothing company needs your help and SALE on their Etsy

You can help! The Dark Angel company based in UK have suffered the floods that took place there recently, and the studio and stores fabrics, machines and store was badly damaged. Owner and designer  (and talented fantasy photographer) Carri Angel opened the year with the tragedy of seeing her work (again, because some years back they found themselves in the same distress) inundated by mood and water and also affecting the team of workers there.

Her partner in the fantasy photography project Lunaesque Angela Harper inmediately opened a gofundme page as "rescue plan" for the flood support. Inmediately many friends and happy customers started to contribute. You can read the case and show your support here, thus helping The Dark Angel to re-open in the near future.

With part of that money the company has sent many "rescued" pieces to professional cleaning and they are making a MASSIVE SALE on etsy. So if you are looking for a BARGAIN it is also a good way to contribute.

Below: velvet military cloak... I'd love to see my man with this sigh... don't you? This and other many offers are continuously being added to their Etsy Sale which also contribute to overcome this terrible incident.

Now who woudn´t dream of this dress! The Gallery couture (made to order) seem to be up and running to, look at one example below, isn't the colour just so beautiful?

I post this not as an affiliate in anyway but as an absolute happy customer through the years. They create beautiful fantasy clothing and in fact It was among the first shops we featured in this blog in this article "Dark Angel: Exquisite Fairytale Clothing", and still among my favourites. Some of my most iconic performance gowns have been from this store, and through they years they remain impecable.

Above: me wearing The Dark Angel Purple Gothic dress


The Dark Angel in facebook


Good Luck and I hope to see The Dark Angel studio back to normal soon enough. Love and Light!




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