Your Fantasy Costume Articles
How to dress like Maleficent from Disney Sleepy Beauty
It's a bit strange maybe to say that the Disney Villain from Disney Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent, dressed so much cooler and in fashion and in fact I think it became a referent for many gothic later to be trends and was indeed very cool looking. Maleficent was elegant and way sophisticated with her purple eye shade and green pale skin... And the garment was quite full and impressive.
Below you can see the officially licensed Disney Maleficent hat with adjustable inner headband and comfortable.
In ebay you will find quite a few models of Maleficent costumes (adult and children) inspired in the character some being the official licensed disney products and quite affordable. It's not such a difficult dress to make yourself once you manage to make the standing ruff and headpiece.
Above: example of Maleficent costume
There are also some cosplay stores that will handcraft the costume for you, and though most of the times a bit more pricey also may offer a higher quality like from the store mom2rtk designs
Hand sewn high quality Maleficent costume made by custom made for children or adults.
Also recently MAC a brand of professional make up that I do always recommend (I love it!) launched a collection inspired in the Disney Villains called "Venomous Villains". In the case of Maleficent t it includes some eye shades with a lovely and glitter swirl of blue, green, silver and black and another with purple and pink both designed to blend perfectly. The colors are all mixed together in the compact but you can pick them out individually and/or blend as you apply. The effect is gorgeous…deep pigments with dark tones as well as highlight shades make them so fun to play with. Maleficent also have some purple and violet lipsticks...Use them to mimic a Disney villain look or for simply get an edgy look I can´t stop to recommend this brand of make up, and one of the few mineral shades that really does not produce allergy to my eyes and I'm rather picky about it.
Below you can see a video with tips and tricks to make up like her and look more like this character and include some rather useful tricks like concealing your eyebrows to paint over your evil looking ones :). Some cool tips and tricks with a rather awesome result.
Finishing details... look for a raven :) as "pet". Unless you have a real raven (I know a few friends that actually have LOL) If you are picky and want an animatronic out of this world raven replica, and you are ready to spend a fortune because you can then I recommend you (sigh) aanimalmakers, specialized in props including moving ravens and crows. But for most of us a Halloween crow prop will do :) like the one below:
Faeriecon 2010 (Baltimore, USA)
And taking place in Baltimore USA a new edition of Faeriecon is here. Taking place next 12-14th November, it feature guest artists and authors, concerts and lots of workshops, vendors and activities. I've attended a few times to this convention (unfortunately I cannot make it this year) but I can tell it's great fun.
For more info, tickets, accommodation etc check the official site at FAERIECON.
Second Steampunk Convention taking place in Spain next weekend 13-14 Nv 2010
Above: Official flyer of the event
Taking place next weekend of 13th, 14th Novembe in Barcelona (Espai Jove de La Fontana), here comes the second official convention of this genre in Spain.
Featuring Art Exhbitions, Games, Tea Saloon, Conferences (probably in spanish), photocalll area, videoart concerts and guest artists, wether you decide to go (what they really encourage) dressed up with your best steampunk, retrofuturistic and victorian garments or not... be sure you may have lots of fun, and it highlights as a great novelty for the public of Spain that will probably render in newcomers and future fans of this up and rising trend.
If you want to know more about, contact in
For detailed info you can visit the official Blog regarding this con
You can network in the facebook group to be up to date with latest news
Alchemy Gothic and Alchemy Empire: Gothic and Steampunk Accessories
With humble beginnings in the 1970's punk movement Alchemy was born in 1977. Started in Leicester, England by two self-taught artist/model maker/designers Geoff Kayson and Trevor Phillipson. In 2010 Alchemy's esoteric and contemporary jewellery is world-renowned and is the undisputed leader in Gothic lifestyle accessories. The range of Alchemy products is extensive and includes Tankards, Flasks, Gothic Jewelry , Giftware and many other pewter products from Gothic through tribal, fairy and steampunk. And on top of it all with a friendly and efficient customer service.
Above: example of ear cuff made by Alchemy Gothic suitable also for fairy wear
They also have all kind of pendants from gothic with blood red droplets to fairy or even viking and with all sorts and motifs including mythical creatures like the following and really cute angel and demon pendant.
Alchemy Gothic has come a long way since their lowly beginnings, growing into the innovative and creative force that has gained world wide recognition. Alchemy's range of Steampunk collection... a collection of delightful retrofuturistic items that will complete your Steampunk costume with pieces of extraordinary detail.
Above: time machin chronambulator Dial:.The beating heart of the pan-dimensional adventurer's, retro hi-tech time machine; the ornate clock face, (powered by quartz technology), is fronted by a perpetual roller-dial calendar.
They also have a variety of gothic props like candle holders and chalices because for an event (or simply your room if you are into these tastes ;-)) the right atmostphere is the key to success
Other interesting links related with this seller: A catalogue of Alchemy retailers Alchemy trade site. (all Trade enquiries welcome)
Crude Things: Gothic Lolita, alternative, Bellydance and daring clothing!!
Above. Fall woodland Fairy by Crude Things
Crude thing is a quite a rarity... featuring equally rare items... From Gothic Lolita to Bellydance, from fairy tale and vintage to pop and futuristic elements... all mixed together to render some oddities The designer started working as hair stylist and worked in NY then to move to Portland to make very unique art wigs that sell all around the world: paintings, dolls, puppets that are life sized & used for performance art, marionettes, clothes, and sculptures with works published in a wealth of magazines and media press and exhibited in several countries. It really has a lovely collection of fantasy wigs of a quality far beyond the usual cosplay wigs and styled in a suitable way for gothic souls.
You can find the store selling on ETSY, and also at their official site

This gothic vanilla-white wig is so cute... and fairytale! sigh!

Above: cuffs

Above: striped bloomers, cute for steam punk, pirate or circus style! and very sexy!

Above: Golden Apocalypse tribal Bellydance outfit
The Dark Angel Fairy tale clothing new Video Showreel
We´ve previously featured The Dark Angel fairytale clothing in a previous your fantasy costume article. They have the prettiest corsets and garments... and I have indeed quite a few of them that I've used on stage in several appearances. They have just released a video show-reel featuring old pictures and also new items of their several collections and they've used my song "The Call of the Nymph" as background music which is an honor to me as one of their customers. :)
Above: me on stage wearing White Fantasia dress by the Dark Angel (wings designed by me and commissioned to Enchanted costumes). They are also adding now some items with a more "urban pixie" air... so stay tuned!
Los tesoros de la Ayalga: floral crowns and tiaras for fairy queens
Los Tesoros de La Ayalga (the treasures of the Ayalga) is a brand new cute store featuring the loveliest headpieces. The two crafters behind are sisters and come from the enchanted wild and evergreen land of Asturias where "Ayalga" means "ancient hidden treasure, or place where it's buried and is also used there to refer to the Nymphs).
Right now they're operating only as a facebook based store where they upload their products listings and price. Most of the items range from 15-25 Eur plus shipping which make them not only gorgeous but also affordable considering the materials, love, imagination and time invested in each one of a kind piece. I make sometimes for myself this kind of headpieces and I know the work and the materials... they are really worth and at a fair price... so didn't you always want to be the Queen of the Forest?
They also encourage to contact directly by e-mail to make commission orders contacting at
Faux branches and spirals, leaves, flowers... colors of the seasons for fairy and forest dwellers.
Some examples below:
Green Braid: I love the celtic braid that mimic a knotted branch and autumn color
This white and ivory floral headpiece called "peaceful" would delight any bride! and it's ideal for spring fairies and weddings.
Below you can see the model that I've picked for myself... dying for it to arrive! :) It's in grey silver and I am thinking of using it for a photoshoot for "in the mist" It's called "treasure" and I'll certainly will treasure it.
Above: Treasure... oooh I'll be the happy owner!
Update: I got it and it´s pretty, this is a pic of myself with it on , used it also for a concert!
As I say they also make aside of the fantasy items jewelry and pendants in which they can transfer pictures of your most beloved ones so you can carry them everywhere... They were so gentle to make a pendant with my long lost Kira and my hamster Totonika!! Thank you!
Above: my hamster Totonika in a custom pendant... so cute!
Cosplay Wigs USA
Cosplay Wigs USA is a store specialized in cosplay wigs.
Their concept is simple "Inspiration".. "inspired and inspire by everything around us even if we dont know it, whatever your journey is from simple to fantasy".
The Cosplay and Anime movement has never been more on the forefront and that is why they are dedicated to offering only the finest cosplay wigs at reasonable prices but also guarantee they are IN-STOCK so you don't have to wait for the shipping. Plus, they have free shipping for USA, and affordable international shipping being able to combine for multiple items.
The site features a gallery of cosplay well known anime characters and the wig they've designed along with the original character picture so you can see how the resemblance have been achieved. Example below... but check the complete catalog and look for your favorite anime series... Naruto, Final Fantasy, Vocaloid... and many more...!!
Above: Undertaker black butler silver-greay cosplay wig
Above: Gothic Lolita wig
They also have a section of general Cosplay and Gothic Lolita as well as a section of other Halloween fancies like fashion and celebrities.
They list also some celebrity Wigs like the one above: Lady Gaga Monster Fame- Fashion wig in white
And if the character you look for is not there then join them in facebook where they keep on interacting with followers asking what models they should make and also a list of "coming soon". Here you have their network links at TWITTER and FACEBOOK
Vampire gothic style: for your vampire night life
Vampire gothic style is a store that features a collection of items inspired mostly in vampires and vampire night life. From neon paint to fangs... a really nice place to look for accessories for your vampire costume.
You can find some really fancy sclera lenses, and also some glow in the dark and other fx contact lenses.
Above: Sclera lenses (model Mumakil sclera lens)
It also features glow paint (great for clubs) and other make up items and also props like fangs and teeth from several brands ready to give nightmares to any! They also have some fancy clip on teeth fantasy caps.
Above: Craven Veneers from Dental Distortions
Vampire gothic style also have a modest list costume masks and monster arms from different brands but all equally spooky like this skeleton hands gloves really cool for halloween! They have some monstrous models aside of this "classical" one.
And you can find some fantasy and vampire jewelry including some really cool blood vial pendants and even some home decor like chalices and other vampire-related items.
Evening Arwen custom costumes and corsets. Sweenie Todd, Alice, Pirates and more...!
Above: Pirate and Siren costumes by Evening Arwen
Evening arwen is a store with a rather curious collection of items that range from historical to fantasy and even sci-fi. They specialize in making custom costumes and corsets made to fit you. On their official page are a few examples of what they can do but they´re open to make your custom comission. They also have an etsy store for "ready to go" items.
Alice in Wonderland corset dress in ice blue with white patterned sleeves corset and apron
This Alice outfit has a more victorian/modern combination to it. It's made with an ice blue satin for the bodice, skirt and bow. The apron and corest are made from an off-white patterned fabric used in home decor. The sleeves of the bodice are an off-white dupioni silk. It really works for a re-telling and adult sexy Alice costume. The color will make you look like a doll!
Above: Sweenie Todd costume replica
This costume is a replica of the movie version of Sweeney Todd. Linen shirt, wool pants and worn aged vest. Jacket is not included, and made of real leather is made upon request.
You can also find his partner Mrs Lovett costume replica, equally lovely, including the bodice
But the store also offer a few examples crossing over genres and diving into science fiction like this sexy female space trooper corset dress (suitable if your boyfriend decided to hid himself under a stormtrooper costume haha as we recommended in previous articles)
Intend to be even sexier... try these Marie Antoinette inspired undergarments